Voyage of the Alamar
Crew's Who
Sketches courtesy of Annie Dillard.
If you'd like to modify your sketch, or comment on someone else's,
drop a note to the Webmaster (george@tashmoo.com). I'll add your
comments, with or without attribution, as you wish.
Bob's wife Annie says people need to know who they're sailing
with. So here they come. Unless otherwise stated, everyone is in his fifties
or sixties, or thereabouts. Unless otherwise stated, these are the most
good-natured, hilarious, smart people I know.
At random:
Lew Bigelow--psychopharmacologist in Washington, D.C., Alamartain and
co-owner, Bob's dear college friend and partner. Very tall. and deep-voiced.
Who wants to travel without a psychopharmacologist?
Debbie Bigelow-- professional painter of unsentimental watercolors. Precise
and smart. I already said: everybody's smart. (That's why I, Annie, am
going to a monastery.)
Isabel Bigelow, painter, artist. Mid-30's, guesses Bob.
George Cooper -- Webmaster, sailor, writer, Key West Film Society honcho.
Gabi Marcus: brilliant beautiful laughing woman in her twenties, poet
(and Gabi only: dancer, specialist in policy for disabled) (not dancing
policy), lives in CA.
Jen Mackenzie-ditto, but completely different. Lives outside Tacoma in
a tree, loves Russian lit.
Mark, Jen Mackenzie's friend, who , hitchhiking, easily got rides by
tap-dancing on the roadside, thumb out.
Heather Mackenzie, good on boats, sings duets with sister Jen.
Bill Yankee-personal trainer, herpetologist, anatomist, enthusiast, in
his forties. Lives in Key West, chases frogs, and dives. Devoted to others
and to fun.
Rosie Clevidence-- Bob's daughter, technically step-daughter--poet, artist,
dancer, 17, at school in CA, soon to be at school in NYC. Funny and a
team puller.
Roscoe Hill, Bob's old Colorado friend, prof of philosophy, sweet guy,
frequently on Alamar.
Laurie and Chris, 2 teen-aged grandchildren, accompany him one week, and
another week his grown son., Steven.
Tom Lawrence, experienced skipper, friend of Lew's.
Larry Estridge, artist and musician, athelete, bringing guitar. All around
enthusiast, free spirit, kind. Lives in Key West and NYC.
David Godine, publisher, sailor, loves to sing. Son Addison, active boy
12; Everett, boy's friend; and Jeff, friend's father. All from Boston
Jake Silverstein, prose writer (also poet) and wit in his twenties, lives
sometimes in Marfa, TX, going to Hollins MFA writing program (Roanoke,
VA) in the fall, now working as a builder in New Orleans
Joey Dahmen, buddy and peer of Jake Silverstein, which should be enough..
Megan Carnes, prose writer, in her twenties, game-for-anything. Finishing
up at Univ of Iowa MFA program in fiction. From Florida; volleyball player
in CT with other writers in their 20's aboard.
Charlie Daniels, painter, works as a builder, married Bob's niece (and
is in Annie's opinion a complete dear).
David Richardson, Bob's brother who owns a market on Martha's Vineyard;
his exceedingly wonderful wife Ellen; son John the Terrific, Boston wine
merchant in his thirties.
Bob Finch, Cape Cod nature writer, singer, Newfoundland lover.
Hal Crowther, passionate political columnist, social critic, and wit,
from Hillsborough, NC. Known as Fulminator II. Baseball stats.
John Leslie, mystery novelist, seaman, like Crowther master of knowledge,
lives on lower Florida keys, will be on Alamar four weeks.
Brad Dean, passionate Thoreauvian, in his forties, rides a Harley.
Debi Kang Dean, poet, teacher, bright spirit.
Lincoln Perry and Bruce Perry - Lincoln is a wonderful painter and sculptor,
Key West friend, and all-around charming fellow. Bruce, his older brother,
is a nuclear physicist and genius.
Davis Hammond - retired teacher of romance languages, learned and witty
conversationalist, francophile and gourmet (eater rather than chef), avid
reader (reads aloud with gusto, in lieu of any musical gifts) whether
adventures nautical or intellectual, sometime apprentice boat builder,
life-long sailor. Divides time between Exeter, NH; North Haven ME; and
Boca Grande, FL.
Kate Holdsworth (Ben's girlfriend) - currently an entrepreneur taking
break from stumping for millions, with a background in radio, PR, and
marketing, as well as an MBA. She was born and now lives in NJ, but went
to college in Wisconsin and lived in Manhattan for many years. Loves the
theatre, and good conversation generally. The only one of the three of
who has any musical talent or ear whatsoever - she can sing! email:
Ben Hammond (Kate's boyfriend) - recovering management consultant, also
with MBA, just moved back to the US from London. But studied History and
Literature in college (not so long ago), so there's a humanist lurking
within. Extremely avid reader, particularly of long novels and historical
fiction (favorite author = John Barth). Not competitive except when
there's a sailing race to be won. Former sailing instructor. No musical
talent to speak of. Not a bad cook.
Matt Gold - 20s, writer, grad student, web designer. has never sailed,
feels a damp, drizzly November in his soul, and is ready to get to sea.
Others, singers and writers, to be announced.
You bring it, you sleep with it. Still, please bring musical instruments,
unless you play grand piano.